Monday , September 2 2024

adidas Predator EDGE – Are They Really That Bad?

adidas Predator EDGE.1

We are only a few out from the official release of the adidas Predator EDGE, the latest generation of power boot from the home of the 3-stripe.

Over the past few years, we have seen different directions taken with the Predator as adidas adjusted to market changes. First, they decided to retire the iconic silo around 2015, before making a dramatic u-turn and reintroducing it to the market in 2018. That 2018 version didn’t seem to hold the true DNA of a Predator style release, instead featuring a tiered dampening style structure across the forefoot. It was the Predator MUTATOR and FREAK, along with their DEMONSKIN upper, that really started to raise excitement levels again.

With the Predator EDGE, adidas decided to take things in another new direction, mimicking a previous versions upper tech (Predator LZ) while introducing a next generation fit. If you are looking for a summary of this post here it is: I just don’t think adidas got this one right, and considering their own high expectations I’m really confused at how this end product made it to market!

adidas Predator Edge Strike Zone

adidas Predator Edge Zone Skin

If the goal was to stay true to the ethos of the very first, original Predator silo, then they absolutely nailed it. We are talking larger than life, with an internal fit that doesn’t really adjust to your foot shape and a clunky outer shell that feels like it is made of a synthetic titanium. I hate to say it, but you can already place them in the outdated power boot category! On release, there is always a mixed reaction from fans. It is to be expected. Some will love a release, while others prefer prior generations or just other brands. With the Predator EDGE, I expect the overall response a month or two from now, as more people get to test them, will lean much further to the side of negativity.

Why? First, the internal shape and structure of the boots is all wrong. They actually remind me of the original Lotto Zhero Gravity released in 2006. Put them on, and they are not very comfortable, with the internal shape holding firm through wear. It has taken 4-5 wears to get any sort of natural shape and stretch out of them. And that is a huge problem, as most players don’t have that amount of time to “adjust” to a pair of boots, especially a pair that cost $250.

adidas Predator EDGE Upper Power

Then there is the upper material – how in the world did it get cleared by pro level players who tested them? I can not imagine a pro player wearing them and responding “yeah, these are the boot for me!” It just can’t be possible. There is very minimal give in the material, so you really don’t get a natural feel on the ball. With all the progressive knit materials currently used in the market, it is hard to accept that adidas thought this type of upper was the answer.

With all that being said, the wave of mass hysteria claiming these are one of the worst boots ever released is all wrong. They are bad, but much of that opinion comes from the fact we have high expectations of adidas and what they produce. We want them to break-in during the first wear and provide us with a natural level of comfort. What I can tell you is that over the last two weeks, my pair has started to become more ‘wearable.’ In other words, they are slowly starting to provide an enjoyable level of performance. They will not become a favorite boot, but I have definitely worn worse. There might even be some players that experience a different reaction – and I’d love to hear from those of you that do. Let me know in the comments if you’ve worn a pair and what your thoughts are on the design.

The entire Predator EDGE line-up can be found at

adidas Predator EDGE On Foot

About Bryan Byrne

The mastermind behind the revolution that is SoccerCleats101. Bryan started this website back in 2008 and has been testing boots on a daily basis ever since. Check out our About Page for more details on Bryan and the website.

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  1. Been wearing the edge .1 AG (mainly play on AG ground) now since release day for games. Compared to the Predator Mutator 20.1 yes they are very rigid and I did wear them for a couple hrs a day for a week before first game (didn’t help like it did on my Mutator ones). Defiently not my favorite feeling predator I’ve worn but overall it’s better than the ACE models they had (remember those things…). AG sole plate is very good and I do notice it is very grippy on the ball and takes getting use to. Easier to curl the ball as well. However it just feels like the shoe is more of a knights armor than a nice fitting shirt per say. It’s stiff and makes it feel disconnected with my foot after using it all this time. The upper as you mentioned is well interesting to say the least. Adidas needs to forget about LZ and this Edge model and go back to drawing board imo. Thanks again for the article love seeing what you think and reading your reviews!

  2. Painly put, the predator is a poor excuse for a soccer shoe. Not sure how Adidas approved the design. Can’t barely put my foot through the microscopic opening. Also so uncomfortable inside. I used to love my old Predators. Now I’m looking for a pair of Nike soccer shoes

  3. Bought my son 2 pairs of predator edge.1 boots. One for firm ground the other for artificial grass. It’s been 5 months and both pair split down the outside seem. Complete blowouts. Needless to say we will never purchase the edge again. Definitely a design flaw. He has an old pair of freak .1 fg and they’re over a year old and still holding up.

  4. Got the edge+ for my son, he wore them for 5-6 half training sessions, couldn’t wear them any longer than half a session, the ridges on the top of the skin hardly bend at all, he said he was in pain nearly all the time he wore them, put them back in the box and they’ve not been back out since, waste of £230.
    Managed to source another pair of predator freak +, now he’s happy and banging in the goals again. Sorry Adidas, for us the edge + is a big failure.

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